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Best practices against Ransomware

Cybercrime is the greatest threat to all companies in the world. Every 10 seconds, a company is the victim of a Ransomware attack. Ransomware has only one purpose: To prevent you from using your device and the data on it until you have paid a ransom. Is your company ready to face the threat of Ransomware? Hello, I am Memo Rules and in this post will share with you 7 recommendations for your company to reduce the risk of data hijacking.

  1. Assume that you will be hacked. There are two types of companies, those that have been hacked and those that will be hacked. All organizations regardless of their size, sector or country are at risk and you better be prepared. 
  1. back up your information. Backup is your best ally, after suffering an attack, the most used method by companies to recover their data is backups. So back up all your valuable information. 
  1. Protect your devices. Laptops, PCs, servers and mobile devices must have an anti-Ransomware tool that allows detecting and blocking attacks before they do damage. In addition, keep all your computer systems updated, configure PCs and laptops so that they automatically update and have security patches up to date. 
  1. Secure your remote accesses. The RDP remote access protocol is the main attack vector for deploying ransomware. The RDP protocol has the ability to completely control a computer remotely, so you must monitor, regulate and control its use. 
  1. Train your collaborators. Phishing emails are one of the most widely used attack vectors to deploy Ransomware. Train your employees so that they can identify a phishing email and not fall victim to it. 
  1. Detects and fixes software vulnerabilities. Implement a software vulnerability management program, because they are another of the most widely used attack vectors to deploy Ransomware. 
  1. Have a recovery plan. It is best to be prepared in advance, develop an incident response plan and let the indicated areas know about it, so that, in due course, everyone knows what to do. 

Prevention is your best ally and its costs are unmatched by all the negative consequences that an organization experiences after experiencing a ransomware attack.  

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